Showing at most
applications out of 43
Name Description State
Sup tree? Version
mime A MIME type module for Elixir started 2.0.2
elixir elixir started 1.14.2
libcluster Automatic Erlang cluster formation and management for Elixir/Erlang applications started 3.2.2
libring A fast consistent hash ring implementation in Elixir started 1.6.0
cowboy_telemetry Telemetry instrumentation for Cowboy started 0.3.1
hex hex started 2.0.0
runtime_tools RUNTIME_TOOLS started 1.16.1
plug_crypto Crypto-related functionality for the web started 1.2.2
phoenix_live_dashboard Real-time performance dashboard for Phoenix started 0.4.0
crypto CRYPTO started
merkle_map merkle_map started 0.2.1
stdlib ERTS CXC 138 10 started
plug Compose web applications with functions started 1.13.6
telemetry_poller Periodically collect measurements and dispatch them as Telemetry events. started 0.5.1
phoenix_live_reload Provides live-reload functionality for Phoenix started 1.3.3
public_key Public key infrastructure started
phoenix Productive. Reliable. Fast. A productive web framework that does not compromise speed or maintainability. started 1.5.13
asn1 The Erlang ASN1 compiler version started
file_system A file system change watcher wrapper based on [fs]( started 0.2.10
cowlib Support library for manipulating Web protocols. started 2.11.0
compiler ERTS CXC 138 10 started
logger logger started 1.14.2
cowboy Small, fast, modern HTTP server. started 2.9.0
delta_crdt delta_crdt started 0.6.4
telemetry Dynamic dispatching library for metrics and instrumentations started 0.4.3
plug_cowboy A Plug adapter for Cowboy started 2.5.2
tictac tictac started 0.1.0
mix mix started 1.14.2
jason A blazing fast JSON parser and generator in pure Elixir. started 1.3.0
decimal Arbitrary precision decimal arithmetic. started 2.0.0
phoenix_html Phoenix view functions for working with HTML templates started 2.14.3
ranch Socket acceptor pool for TCP protocols. started 1.8.0
telemetry_metrics Provides a common interface for defining metrics based on Telemetry events. started 0.6.1
horde horde started 0.8.7
inets INETS CXC 138 49 started
kernel ERTS CXC 138 10 started
ssl Erlang/OTP SSL application started
eex eex started 1.14.2
phoenix_pubsub Distributed PubSub and Presence platform started 2.1.1
gettext Internationalization and localization through gettext started 0.19.1
phoenix_ecto Integration between Phoenix & Ecto started 4.2.1
phoenix_live_view Rich, real-time user experiences with server-rendered HTML started 0.15.7
ecto A toolkit for data mapping and language integrated query for Elixir started 3.5.8